(I need to take my own images of the technologies used in the process of making my magazine)
My personal laptop; Sony Vaio
This was the most crucial piece of equipment I used throughout the process of making my magazine, as it allowed me internet access and I have photoshop.
Adobe Photshop CS5
This software allowed me to edit my photos, and create my magazine to a standard I was happy with.
School Computer
This computer allowed me to do most of my research and planning during lessontime at school, yet it let me down when it came to photoshop as it was unbarabley slow. I was able to email home images that I took in school but not able to edit them on photoshop as fonts were limited and computer froze every few minuets.
My compact camera
I used this to take the pictures for my contents page, as I didn't need as in depth detailled shots like the ones I needed for my cover and double page spreads. I found that these photos were still good quality and I could zoom until I got the right kind of shot and the flash was powerful so it made my photos look more professional.
My SLR camera
I used this to take the shots of my cover and double page spread shots as I needed more detailled shots as they were going to be at the full length of a page. The flash was very powerful and the zoom allowed me to zoom and keep most of the detail without it being pixelated, I also found this easier when it came to editing the pictures.
I used this to get pictures of people for my target audience and speak to my friends to arrange when to meet up to take photos and for advice/feedback on my research/planning and various drafts of my magazine.
I evidently used blogger for all of my work, to let my teachers know im up to date with certain pieces of work. It also allowed my peers to look at my work and give feedback.
Try and explain the internet in more detail. How were you able to utilise google etc to speed up searches and find specific pieces of information. You also need to go into detail about the skills you have acquired during the course.